This week the YCW in Preston hosted the acclaimed author and youth leader Adam Fletcher from the United States. Adam is the founding director of Freechild Insitute for Youth Engagement and has authored many books on the subject.
For more than 20 years, he has been working with nonprofit organisations, government agencies, schools and others to promote youth engagement. After spending a decade as a youth worker, education official and nonprofit leader, today he is a speaker, writer, trainer and consultant.
Adam has been visiting our YCW and IMPACT! Groups in Preston and Lytham over the last few days to see how they run, what our young people discuss and what social actions they undertake. He also shared with us his experiences of youth engagement around the world and enthused the young leaders in their mission to be the difference.
Marc Besford, National Training and Development Worker, joined Adam and local adult companion Terry Mattinson in Preston, saying: “It was an enormous pleasure to join Adam and help show him the YCW movement in England and Wales. Thanks a lot to Terry who arranged his visit and does an amazing job across Preston.”