A strong contingent of YCW and Impact members were amongst the 8000 young people gathered in Wembley Arena on Saturday 7th March for the Flame 2 Catholic youth congress. The event was organised by the Catholic Youth Ministry Federation (CYMFed) which is a federation of all of the Catholic dioceses, religious orders and organisations and movements who have a charism or apostolate to young people.
BBC presenters Alfie Joey and Gilly Hope introduced the stellar line-up of speakers and performers including Cardinal Luis Tagle, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Fr Timothy Radcliffe, Baroness Holliins, David Wells and Matt Redman, who provided excellent quality music throughout the day.
Much of the day focused around the theme of the mercy of God and the inescapable fact that God unconditionally loves each and every individual. Cardinal Tagle from the Philippines gave a very moving talk on this subject and challenged those present to be merciful towards others. 'My dear young people of England and Wales, be the living signs in our world of God's mercy. Be living signs of the joy of the Gospel of mercy.'
Following the event, one Impact member from Urmston in Manchester said, 'I had such an amazing time, it was great be with lots of other young Catholics. It makes you realise that our group isn't on it's own and there's lots of people who believe the same things.'
For more information about CYMFed please visit www.cymfed.org.uk