Young Voter Turnout Surges!

Reports about voter turnout figures for the recent General Election show that younger people turned out to vote in record numbers on June 8th.

58% of 18-24 years old voted this time round, compared with 43% in 2015 and 44% in 2010. Overall turnout increased by 3% to 69%, which shows that although younger voters still turned out below average, the increase of 15% has significantly closed the gap. It is also worth noting that the turnout of people 70+ was 84%, so there is still a large divide across the generations. 

Before the election, the Bishops of England and Wales stressed the importance of engaging in our political system more widely, inspired by the message of Pope Francis in Evangelii Gaudium. They concluded with this prayer: "Lord grant us wisdom to act always with integrity, seeking the protection and flourishing of all, and building a society based on justice and peace."

Let us stay true to this message.