YCW NEC Meets to Plan Year Ahead

This past weekend the YCW NEC met at our Trafford Park HQ to discuss our plans for the upcoming year.

The main focus was on our current National Campaign called MIND! The Gap - which is focusing on the issue of young people and mental health. The NEC looked over our YCW Survey that has been produced to collect the thoughts and experiences of young people as part of our SEE stage in the campaign. 

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Further to this, there was discussion about building a national campaign team of young members, who could come together to develop and and drive forward the ideas around MIND! The Gap. These members would be key links to our regional groups across England and Wales and ensure that we get as much involvement as possible.

Following the SEE stage will be the JUDGE and ACT stages, so work has already started to timeline these over the next year, as well as organising events and training throughout this period.

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On a separate topic, the NEC discussed some upcoming European and International YCW events that National Training and Development Worker, Marc Besford, will be leading on. Marc is currently coordinating responses from movements across Europe to feed into a discussion at the International HQ next month. 

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Finally, there were preliminary discussions about the YCW National Council for 2018 - expected to be in late April. The National Council draws together members, companions and national leaders from across the country to provide training, plan for the future, as well as the official aspects of the Council itself - approving the accounts and resolutions put before the members.

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