Earlier this month the General Committee of the ICYCW gathered at the Rome HQ to discuss the current realities, vision and mission of the International movement.
England and Wales were represented by Marc Besford, National Training and Development Worker, who was also taking the lead for the European Commission of YCWs.
The first day was focused around the SEE aspect of the YCW method and asked for reports regarding the activities and processes within each national movement. This ranged from how the movements developed leadership and organised training for members, to how they dealt with financial issues and Chaplaincy support.
Following this, the second day explored the JUDGE stage and sought to identify the priorities of the future plan, based on the first days feedback. At the heart of this plan was the need to develop a strategy for the coming years, which could link together the work at a local, national, regional and international level. There will also be a focus on developing the collaboration of national movements at the regional commission level.
The final day looked at the ACT method and began some of the work in developing the strategic plan, which will be back up by a yearly activity plan. There was also discussion of the budget for this coming year and this was approved by the General Committee.
Throughout the conference there was also valuable time to socialise, discuss ideas and share parts of the rich diversity that can be found across the International movement. For example, at the end of the first day there was a "cultural exchange" social evening, which saw members present aspect of their national/regional culture. Marc was very pleased to share the delights of English food and drink, alongside discussion of our royal family and long history.
Berhanu Sinamo, International President of the ICYCW, coordinated the event in Rome and was supported by a range of facilitators, chaplains and members - including former President of the YCW in England and Wales, Danny Curtin and current National Chaplain, Mgr. John Marsland.
Commenting on the event, Marc Besford said: "This was a fantastic opportunity to get together as an international movement and learn from each other. It was my first time attending such an international meeting and I would like to thank all those who made it such a positive and friendly atmosphere. There is lots to be working on and I look forward to doing my bit both nationally and at the European level."