The YCW in England and Wales launched our national campaign on young people and mental health - called MIND! The Gap - back in January of this year.
Our first stage, the SEE part, involved Groups exploring the general issues faced by young people through resources and discussions. The feedback was captured by an online survey, which we were greatly encouraged to see gathered over 1100 responses from young people across England and Wales.
We are currently going through these responses to help shape the next part of our campaign. This will involve JUDGE aspects of the YCW method and help deepen our understanding of the issues.
Marc Besford, National Training and Development Worker said: "Firstly, can I just thank all those young people who took the time to share their thoughts about this important topic. I think we can see from the overwhelming response to the survey that this issue is something we cannot ignore. Please keep up your discussions and hard work as we enter the JUDGE stage soon."