A few months ago we highlighted an exciting new project being run in Preston aimed at women and girls through a UKYouth led project called “EpowHER” which is also supported by the British Red Cross. There has been a lot of inspiring work going on since then, so here is an update outlining what else had been happening.
EmpowHER was created to inspire young women and girls to lead change in their community. The programme, delivered in partnership with the British Red Cross and Young Women’s Trust with funding from Spirit of 2012, aims to address low levels of well-being amongst young women and girls in the UK by empowering them to have a voice, be heard and give back to their local community.
In Preston, the IMPACT! Group there have been working through the first phase of the project. This including being asked to open an International Women’s Day event in Blackpool and hold a workshop on body image. This workshop was an opportunity to explore how negative attitudes around body image can have a devastating effect on the mental health of young people, but especially women and girls.
In fact, next week’s Mental Health Awareness Week, hosted by the Mental Health Foundation (13th-19th May), has as it’s theme this year “Body Image”. Further details on this can be found here: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/campaigns/mental-health-awareness-week
The group are now reviewing how the first phase has gone and have been working on further plans to see what more can be done to encourage women and girls to develop their leadership skills.