YCW Movements Across Europe To Meet Next Month

Next month will see an important gathering of YCW movements across Europe, as they reflect on a range of issues facing young people and the world of work, and prepare for next year’s International Council in Ethiopia.

The meeting is being held in Portugal and will host over 150 young leaders from across the continent. Our movement in England and Wales will be sending a delegation from the National Team, a representative from our local groups and accompanied by the National Chaplain.

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Amongst a wide range of activities, the young leaders will be participating in a Review of Life around the World of Work - sharing the realities of work from each movement and exploring how best we can support one another in response.

There will also be a workshop on Laudato Si, the second encyclical of Pope Francis. The focus on "care for our common home" laments environmental degradation and global warming, and calls all people of the world to take swift and unified global action. For many young people, the needs to respond to climate change is the biggest issue facing their generation and it is important that we do not separate this from concerns about work and studies.

In response to the recent Synod on Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment, there will be a reflection on how we can respond to this led by one of the Portuguese Bishops who attended the Synod.

Overall, the gathering will be a great opportunity to share the realities of life from across Europe and grow in solidarity with one another.