Leeds Diocese Justice And Peace Collaboration

Last year, we shared how the YCW had been collaborating with the Leeds Justice and Peace Commission on a new project aimed at engaging more 16-30 year olds around the issue of Catholic Social Teaching.

Named “SPARK Social Justice” the project‘s lead worker has been working through a joint action plan to deliver on a number of actions. The YCW “See-Judge-Act” Method has helped inform how the work and our National Training and Development Worker, Marc Besford, has attended the steering group meetings to help with this.

Marc attended the recent progress update meeting and has agreed to lead on 5 workshops around the topic of “leadership” for a local Sixth Form. He is also planning on speaking to the Leeds Trinity CathSoc about the same subject.

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He wanted to share his thoughts about the work so far, saying: “It was good to hear that so many schools, colleges and University chaplaincies have been signed up to engage with the project workshops this month and next. We know at the YCW how important it is to go out and work directly with young people, rather than expect them to reach out first.

Some of the initial feedback has chimed with the current work we are doing in our YCW and IMPACT! Groups, especially around environmental concerns, so it will be interesting to see what more develops from it.

I hope to keep being involved and continue sharing some of my experience from the YCW.”