The YCW believes it is vitally important for the voice of young people to be heard in public life. It is why we are proud to put young people at the heart of our movement.
With local elections coming up in many parts of England and Wales on May 3rd, we believe that the politicians and their parties should do their utmost to engage with young people, listen to their concerns and priorities and then show, through their actions, a willingness to respond.
But this also means young people taking the responsibility to get involved too.
We would encourage all young people to not only vote, but look into the various candidates, parties and policies on offer, as well as challenge candidates on what they have done and can do for young people.
Pope Francis puts it simply: "A good Catholic meddles in politics, offering the best of themselves." Let's make sure we fulfil our calling to engage fully in public life and use our votes on May 3rd.