79th National Council of the YCW in England and Wales

The YCW held its 79th National Council on 28th April 2018, at St Monica's RC Church in Flixton, Manchester.

The National Council draws together members, companions and national leaders from across the country to provide training, plan for the future, as well as the official aspects of the Council itself - approving the accounts and resolutions put before the members.

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This council elected two new posts, National Secretary and National Treasurer. Ben Sinclair from Billingham YCW was elected Secretary and Sean Smith as National Treasurer.

Ben commented on his election to the position, saying: “I am really pleased to be joining the National Team and look forward to getting started. Since we have a growing number of groups and companions across England and Wales we are planning on boosting our communication efforts, which is really exciting.”

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The day itself consisted of the formal Council in the morning and then in the afternoon IMPACT members joined the event for training around our current campaign on young people and mental health called “MIND! The Gap”.

The group then celebrated Mass together along with the parishioners of St Monica’s and contributed to the Mass with music, prayers and a drama on the Gospel of the day. Mass concluded with each member renewing their promise of devotion to serve, educate and represent young people; live out and spread the ideals of the YCW; play an active part in the YCW and say the YCW prayer daily.

National President Kate Wilkinson said: "It was fantastic to see so many of our members and adult companions there as we look to the future of our movement.

Can I also just say a big thank you to Becca Henderson who served as part of our National Team for many years. Becca is a tremendous asset to our movement and we know that even though she's left the National Team, her prayers and best wishes will continue to support us all.”

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